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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

“Brushing With Dr. Lynda” a School Home Run

Fullford Elementary

On Wednesday, January 5, forty Miami-Dade College Dental Hygiene  students and Clinical Supervisor Susan Hudson, along with Dr. Lynda and other volunteers, spent the morning at North Miami’s Fulford Elementary instructing first graders in the importance of good dental hygiene.

Under the guidance of Dr. Hudson, the dental hygiene students examined the children’s teeth and noted which ones might require early dental intervention.

Each student was shown proper tooth brushing techniques using “toothy” hand puppets.

After practicing with puppets, the dental hygiene students supervised as each child brushed their own teeth in front of a mirror using a small pre-pasted brush.

As a follow up to these new skills, teachers will be provided with DVDs and interactive worksheets to reinforce the importance of daily brushing for the remainder of the school year.

David Lawrence Jr. K-8 Center
The following week, on January 12, first graders at David Lawrence Jr. K-8 Center spent the morning “Brushing with Dr. Lynda” and friends. Over 150 first graders learned proper brushing techniques.

Dr. Susan Kass, director of the Dental Hygiene Program at Miami Dade College, was on hand to oversee her students attending the first graders.

One student brushed so enthusiastically that the tooth fairy was summoned because she lost her first tooth!

Working within the slim window of cafeteria time between the end of breakfast and the beginning of lunch, the Miami Dade College students  slipped into their duties as clinicians, recorders and educators and fell into a rhythm that allowed them to move the children through quickly and still give each child individual attention.

North Miami Elementary

The last stop for Dr. Lynda and friends was North Miami Elementary. Once again the Miami-Dade College dental hygiene students quickly and professionally examined the entire first grade.

The students then learned the correct way to brush and had a chance to practice.

Many dedicated groups have partnered to make this community outreach and educational program “Brushing With Dr. Lynda” meaningful and possible.  Dr. Susan Kass, from Miami Dade College, the dental hygiene students, donations from the dental supply companies of Benco,  Patterson and Glaxco Smith Kline and other private donations.


childrendentistsca said...

Is always good idea to maintain a good dental habits because Poor dental habits exhibited in early childhood often continue into adulthood, with potential to affect speech, nutrition, economic productivity, and even the overall quality of life.

childrens dental health

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